2023 Open Theme Photo Competition

Celebrating Originality and Artistry


Welcome to our Open Theme Photography Competition, where we celebrate the creativity, skill, and vision of photographers like you! This competition is designed to showcase the beauty and diversity of the world captured through your lens. We encourage you to unleash your imagination and submit your best photographs, as long as they adhere to the guidelines outlined below.

Competition Guidelines

  1. All components of the image must be the original work of the photographer.

  2. The image should not contain any artificially generated elements.

  3. The use of AI is not permitted in the creation or editing of the photograph.

  4. All aspects of post-processing, including adjustments and enhancements, must be done by the photographer.

  5. The photograph must not infringe on any copyright laws.

  6. The image must have been taken within the last 12 months.

Technical Requirements

  1. The image should fit within a 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels high box, with no dimension less than 1080 pixels.

  2. The image must be saved in JPEG format.

  3. The image should use the sRGB color space.

  4. Images may include a border if desired. Ensure that the border does not exceed the overall dimensions of the image specified in the competition guidelines.

  5. File names must include your name or unique identifier along with the image title or a sequential number to differentiate your submission from others.

  6. Ensure that the file name is clear, concise, and free of special characters or spaces that may cause compatibility issues.

Judging Criteria

  1. Creativity and Originality: How unique and innovative is your photographic concept? Does it demonstrate a fresh perspective or evoke a strong emotional response? Consider how the photographer has pushed creative boundaries and delivered a distinctive vision.

  2. Composition: Assess the effectiveness of the photograph's composition. Consider the skillful arrangement of elements such as lines, shapes, colors, and balance. How well do these elements contribute to the overall visual harmony and impact of the image?

  3. Technical Excellence: Evaluate the overall technical quality of the photograph. Consider the precision and mastery of technical aspects, including focus, exposure, lighting, and sharpness. How well has the photographer executed these technical elements to enhance the image's visual appeal?

  4. Storytelling: Assess the photograph's ability to tell a compelling story or capture a moment that resonates with the viewer. Consider the narrative conveyed through the subject, composition, and context. How effectively does the photograph engage and immerse the viewer in its story?

  5. Artistic Merit: Evaluate the artistic qualities of the photograph, including its aesthetics, mood, and visual impact. Consider the use of color, texture, tonality, and overall artistic vision. How well does the photograph provoke an emotional or intellectual response and showcase the photographer's artistic skill?

  6. Technical Requirements: The adherence to the specified technical requirements will be considered as part of the judging criteria for this photographic competition. These technical requirements encompass image size and dimensions, file format, color space, and the inclusion of optional borders.


  • 1st Place: $250 cash prize

  • 2nd Place: $150 cash prize

  • 3rd Place: $100 cash prize

  • Honourable Mention

Note: In addition to the cash prizes, winning photographs will be featured on our website and social media platforms, providing exposure and recognition to the talented photographers behind the images.

Important Dates

  • Submissions are due on June 14th, 2023.

  • Winners will be announced on June 28th, 2023.

We look forward to receiving your outstanding submissions! Good luck and happy photographing!

Submitting Digital Images

Maximum entry is 3 photographs.

To upload photo submissions, see How To Share Photos